Sunday, April 4, 2010

Removing Duplicate Files

Want to save some disk space? How about removing all duplicate copies of your files? Fortunately, there are free tools to help you do this. I used DoubleKiller after reading the LifeHacker post:
  • Found many data files that were duplicates
  • Found many copies of VIRSCAN*.dat files from Symantec AntiVirus. Deleted all the ones in *.tmp folders (actually, moved them to a holding location). No issues so far.
  • If you have multiple copies of Matlab installed, I would recommend removing those from the search path

Check out WinDirStat from the that LifeHacker post too.

Modifying the Windows-E Shortcut Key's Behavior

Background: Pressing the key combination [Windows Logo Key] + [e] opens Windows Explorer.
I use this short-cut all the time, but I was annoyed that it always opened with the C:\ fully expanded, which took-up most of the viewable space in the left-hand pane of Windows Explorer.
After a bit of web-searching and playing around, I found a solution.
  1. Go to: Start Menu -> Run -> regedit
  2. Locate the registry key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\explore\ddeexec
  3. The (Default) value should be something like: %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /e,/idlist,%I,%L

  4. Delete this value so that the entry is blank (right-click on (Default), choose "Modify")

[EDIT] Recently noted my personal computer has "My Documents" appearing ahead of C:\. I need to find out how to get that for my work computer.